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Then/Now Collection


The Objective:
The goal of the then/now project is to highlight the changes of historic Saturna locations over long periods of time. Through recreating the historic images from the Saturna Archive the changes in the structures and landscapes on Saturna over the years are revealed. Being able to see how much things change over a few decades was intriguing to me after looking through the Saturna Archive and seeing all the old structures with a vague memory of what the current state was. Through this project I was able to look at modern day photos perfectly lined up with the old ones side by side.

The Process:
For these images I estimated the focal length of the historic images which happened to be approximately 45mm for the Church/Hall and then lined up the photo to the best of my ability looking at the straight edges & focusing on the perspective/proportions. Once the photos were taken I overlapped the old photo on top of the new to warp the perspective of the modern photo to match the old one using photoshop. Using this technique I was able to get a near perfect match with the right distortion and compression to match the historic images. This project is ongoing with many images available on the archive that would be great additions to this collection.